Monday, 3 November 2014

Ethnic monday: Covered with "Zellige"

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A couple of weeks ago,  I attended a close friend's wedding, which took place at her parents' house in Casablanca. As most of the big Moroccan houses, my friend's had two very large living room areas whose walls are covered by these beautiful mosaic tiles.

The Moroccan tiles, also called "Zellige" would mostly be found in living rooms, and sometimes in fancy kitchens or bathrooms. Having walls or ceilings or even floors covered with them in Morocco, used to be a sign of wealth in the past.
Nowadays, more people from different social backgrounds are able to afford it, even though "Zellige" is not used as much anymore, as Moroccans have become more attracted to simpler and modern interiors. 

While going through numerous blogs, and real-estate websites, I noticed the predominant use of "Zellige" in Mediterranean houses. I believe that it adds a certain freshness and personality to a home.

The late fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, was known for his love for Morocco, especially Marrakech where he used to live. 
His Moroccan house's interior design (which I'm crazy about) was sophisticated, opulent, and very traditional, which of course means the use of "Zellige".

The above photo not only has the Moroccan mozaic tiles in it, but also mashrabiya; I said that I was obsessed with it...

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